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Canvasbutterfly stall Bristol Festival Of Nature 2014

You can find me at 'Market'                     throughout the year.

The first market I attended was back in November of 2012. It was the Bath Vintage & Antiques Market. I had so many pictures with me. I had spent many days framing and getting organised. I did not know what to expect. Happily I was to discover that there were indeed people who liked what I was doing.

This fuelled my desire to produce new work and the early months of 2013 were spent drawing bees and dragonflies!

As luck would have it I had heard of a new market in Green Park Station, Bath. It was called The Bath Artisan Market and that suited me perfectly. I first attended in June of 2013. I now attend this market three times a year usually in May or June and then again in November and December.

I also came to hear of an event which I felt I must be part of. The Bristol Festival of Nature which was in it's tenth year in June 2013. I took part in the Green Market with my husband Iain's help. It was a two day event over Saturday and Sunday in the middle of June. It was fabulous, so many people loved my work; I was even asked to be a contributor to The Society of Biology's online shop.

So this confirmed for me that what had become my hobby now had wings.

Canvasbutterfly Market Stall The Bath Artisan Market Butterfly Artwork for sale Dragonfly artwork for sale












Since my first market stall I have increased the range of items that I sell. I now have a variety of framed pictures in several different types of frame. I also have photo magnets, individual cards and card packs, three designs of Canvas bag, two sizes of prints and packs of quotes! I love great sayings and quotes and use my artwork to embelish the overall look.

Since conception I have trialed various frames and have come to realise that it is impractical to have anything in my shop that is too large or heavy. Postage costs and insurance are a prohibitive factor. However I have made up frames for customers who have seen me at market and know which frames I can work with. They have then arranged to collect from me directly.

In 2015 my new work included Images of a few British native species; the Painted Lady, Red Admiral and Small Tortoiseshell butterflies as well as the Magpie, Elephant Hawk and Tiger moths. It had been requested of me to produce such work from people wanting to buy pictures and prints with only native British species.

I love to create pictures that 'sit well' together. I do not usually group butterflies by their species nor indeed their country of origin but rather by their colourings. I am an artist formost who has a passion for butterfly, bee, dragonfly and moth conservation.


To see what I have available to purchase please visit Canvasbutterfly Shop in the header.

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